项目构建了两个花色印度野牡丹不同花期6份花瓣样品的转录组数据库,共获得387 450 968条读段(Reads),有效读段数据(Clean reads)375 952 826条,占比97.03%,其中包含54 795 712 285 nt数据信息,6个样品的高质量Clean reads比例均达95%以上;对获得的高质量序列进行组装,获得非冗余的基因(Unigene)数据54 725条,总长度56 818 948 nt,N50平均长度1 909 nt;Clean reads在Unigene上被比对到的reads数(Mapped reads)为316 210 813条,匹配率84.109 2%,能够唯一比对到的reads片段(Unique mapped reads)为296 302 103条,唯一匹配率78.813 6%。所得数据将为野牡丹属植物控制花色的相关功能基因开发、利用奠定基础。
A total of 387 450 968 reads and 375 952 826 valid reads were obtained, accounting for 97.03% of the total, Which contains 54 795 712 285 nt data. The high-quality Clean reads proportion of all 6 samples reaches more than 95%. The obtained high-quality sequences are assembled to obtain 54 725 unigene data with the total length 56 818 948 nt and N50 average length 1 909 nt. Clean reads were mapped to 316 210 813 mapped reads on Unigene with a matching rate of 84.109 2%. Uniquely aligned reads (Unique mapped reads is 296 302 103 with a unique match rate of 78.813 6%. The data will lay the foundation for the development and utilization of related functional genes controlling the flower color of genus Ornaceae.