目前世界上量具的数显系统大至有丝杆光电盘、磁栅、光栅、容栅几种,而应用在游标卡尺上仅以后两种力多见。典型的光栅卡尺生产厂有瑞士的Tesa(DIGIT-CRL11)美国的Brown Sharpe。最近还见到南斯拉夫与国内厂协作试制的DI—C—150光栅卡尺。典型容栅卡尺生产厂有瑞士的Trimos(PAT),列支敦士敦的PAV,瑞典的Johansson,法国的Roch,美国的Fowler。但所
At present, the digital display system of the measuring instruments in our country is as large as that of a screwdriver photoelectric disk, a magnetic grid, a grating and a capacitive grid. Only two kinds of force applied to the vernier caliper are more common. Typical grating caliper manufacturers are Tesla (DIGIT-CRL11) in Switzerland and Brown Sharpe in the United States. Recently, we have also seen the trial manufacture of DI-C-150 grating caliper by Yugoslavia in cooperation with domestic factories. The typical grid operator is Trimos (PAT) in Switzerland, PAV in Liechtenstein, Johansson in Sweden, Roch in France and Fowler in the United States. But what