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我国为加入世界贸易组织进行了长达近15年的艰苦努力,如今终于“水到渠成”“瓜熟蒂落”了。尽管在短期内,入世会给我国经济带来不可避免的冲击和影响,但是在总体上,我国加入世界贸易组织是适应经济全球化的大势所趋,是我国经济体制和政治体制改革的必然选择,是我国的长远利益和根本利益所在。入世后,国内垄断经营的行业将逐渐被竞争所取代;体制改革力度加大,符合市场经济规律的市场机制将加速建立起来;我国企业的国际竞争力将得到加强;几乎所有的产业和企业都将在竞争中重新定位;伴随开放程度的提高,我国经济的发展规模加大,发展速度将加快。 Our country has worked hard for joining the World Trade Organization for nearly 15 years and is finally finally getting to know it. Although WTO accession will inevitably bring about an unavoidable impact and impact on our economy in a short period of time, China’s accession to the World Trade Organization as a whole is a general trend toward economic globalization and an inevitable choice for the reform of China’s economic and political systems. The long-term interests and fundamental interests of our country lie. After China’s accession to the WTO, the industry monopolized by China will gradually be replaced by competition. The reform of the system will intensify and the market mechanism in line with the laws of the market economy will be established. The international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises will be strengthened. Almost all industries and enterprises Will be repositioned in the competition; with the improvement of the degree of opening up, the development scale of our economy will increase and the pace of development will accelerate.
患者,女,31岁,因体检发现右肺多发高密度影5个月余入院.无畏寒发热,无咳嗽、咳痰,无胸闷、胸痛、气促,无咯血.查体:T37.2℃,P76次/分,R18次/分,BP120/70mm Hg,神志清楚,皮肤