Characterization of Titanium-Containing Compounds in Gray Iron

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpzcz1995
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Titanium produces different compounds in gray iron. In order to determine their characteristics, a scanning electron microscope, an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and an optical microscopy were used to analyze the morphology, distribution, and composition of titanium-containing compounds in metal- lographic specimens and machined surfaces in four gray irons. The results show that the titanium-containing compounds in the gray irons are complex compounds containing V, Nb, Mn, S, and other metals, depending on the concentration of these elements in the iron. The number of titanium-containing compounds increases with increasing Ti content in the gray iron. Most of the titanium-containing compounds are located in the pearlite matrix, with some in the steadite and carbides. The results suggest that titanium-containing com- pounds reduce tool lifetime. Titanium produces different compounds in gray iron. In order to determine their characteristics, a scanning electron microscope, an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and an optical microscopy were used to analyze the morphology, distribution, and composition of titanium-containing compounds in metal - lographic specimens and machined surfaces in four gray irons. The results show that the titanium-containing compounds in the gray irons are complex compounds containing V, Nb, Mn, S, and other metals, depending on the concentration of these elements in the iron The number of titanium-containing compounds increases with increasing Ti content in the gray iron. Most of the titanium-containing compounds are located in the pearlite matrix, with some in the steadite and carbides. The results suggest that titanium-containing com pounds reduce tool lifetime.
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