广东省制冷学会第五次会员代表大会于今年 5月 1 0日在广东科学馆召开 ,来自全省各地的个人会员代表和单位会员代表共 1 43人参加了大会。代表中既有热心学会工作的领导干部 ,也有德高望重的老科技工作者 ,还有大量有水平、有成果的中青年科技人员以及懂专业、善经营的企业家 ,
The fifth member congress of Guangdong Institute of Refrigeration was held on May 10 this year in Guangdong Science Museum. A total of 1,443 individual member representatives and member representatives from all over the province attended the conference. Among the representatives are leading cadres who are keen to learn to work, those who are respected and respected, and a large number of young and middle-aged scientific and technical personnel who are proficient in their work and entrepreneurs who know well of profession and good management.