
来源 :中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuling
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法治的本质是对公权力的规制,而这样的规制必然要求权力者在有所作为的基础上规范自由裁量权的行使。当下我国法治建设已经制定和颁布了一系列制度与规则。这些规则既为法治建设提供了衡量标准,同样也为警察权法治化指标体系构建提供了参照。基于此,警察权法治化指标体系的制度性构造既需要通过制度的数字进行量化;也需要通过制度建设的法定权限和程序、施行时间、有效期等指标进行质的权衡;更需要在完善警察权法治化指标的考评制度、责任制度、监督制度的基础上,跟进配套负面清单制度、公民权利清单制度,形成一股强劲的制度合力,从而助推警察权力法治化指标制度牢固建立和顺利实行。 The essence of the rule of law is the regulation of public power, and such regulation necessarily requires that the power standardize the exercise of discretion on the basis of something done. At present, the rule of law in our country has formulated and promulgated a series of systems and rules. These rules not only provide a measure for the construction of the rule of law, but also provide a reference for the establishment of an index system of the legalization of police power. Based on this, the institutional construction of the legalization index system of police power needs to quantify not only through the figures of the system, but also through the statutory authority and procedure of system construction, the time and the expiration date of implementation, and more, On the basis of evaluation system, responsibility system and supervision system of law-based indicators, follow-up system of supporting negative list and civil rights list forms a strong system of synergy to promote the establishment and smooth implementation of the system of legalization of police power .
闭环供应链(Closed-loop Supply Chain)是由正向供应链(Forward Supply Chain)和逆向供应链(Reverse Supply Chain)组成的闭合系统,一方面可以为企业带来经济利益,另一方面能