面对国家西部大开发战略的实施 ,我们的策略应当是 :冷静思考 ,积极行动 ,抓住机遇 ,趁势而上。1 冷静思考。我们必须清醒地认识到 ,现在与80年代东部开发的背景条件完全不一样。一是经济体制不一样 ,当时还是计划经济 ,而现在市场经济的框架已基本形成 ,尤其是财政、税收政
In the face of the implementation of the strategy of developing the western part of the country, our strategy should be: calm thinking, positive action, seizing the opportunity and taking advantage of the situation. 1 calm thinking. We must clearly understand that now the conditions for the development of the eastern region in the 1980s are completely different. First, the economic system is not the same, at that time still planned economy, and now the framework of a market economy has basically taken shape, especially finance, tax administration