本月四日立春以后,严寒的天气将要过去,和煦的春天姗姗而来,但气温不稳定,仍有一段“乍寒”时期。农谚有“打过春,冻断筋”“立春还冷十八天”的说法,也就是说,立春后还有二十天左右的冷天,到十九日“雨水”过后,气温逐渐回升,才真正有点儿早春的意思。针对本月的气候特点,二月的家庭花事主要有: 开春花事准备:开春后应把所需用的一切家庭养花用具如小铲子、小锄头、喷壶、手锯、花剪、芽接刀、
After the beginning of spring on the 4th of this month, the severe cold weather will pass and the warm spring time lags behind. However, the temperature is still unstable and there is still a period of “coldness”. There are about 20 days after the spring, about 20 days after the Spring Proverbs, the temperature gradually rose after the “rain” on the 19th , It really means a little early spring. For this month’s climate characteristics, the family spending in February mainly include: spring flower preparation: After the spring should be used for all the necessary family flower-growing appliances such as small shovels, small hoes, watering cans, hand saws, flower scissors, budding Knife,