Empirical Analysis of Compact Energy targets in four States of the United States

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  摘 要:The selection is based on the background of the four states, in order to learn to achieve the objectives of the four states on its compact energy. First of all, this paper analyzes and processes the original data to be informed of the energy structure proportion, total energy consumption and energy security of the states. For each of the four states, in 1960-2009 of the energy situation, using two types of energy consumption and population factors regression analysis model is established. Then, for the four states to use clean renewable energy, we adopt the analytic hierarchy process to construct the clean renewable energy judgment matrix of the plan layer and obtain the "best" use situation .
  關键词:energy consumption, regression analysis, analytic hierarchy
  1 an energy profile for each of the four states
  Energy is the lifeblood of the national economy, which is closely related to the people's life and the living environment of human beings, and plays a major role in the sustainable development of society. With the rapid development of economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the demand for energy also rapidly increases the energy constraint contradiction. However, the current problems such as low energy utilization efficiency, unreasonable energy consumption structure and environmental pollution caused by energy use severely limit the country's path to sustainable development. In order to solve the problems of energy utilization, realize the sustainable development of energy and the environment, in energy situation assessment is particularly weighty, energy situation, this paper study on the preliminary evaluation index system.
  2 assessment indicators of energy utilization
  According to the above principles and to provide data, California (CA), Arizona (AZ), New Mexico (NM) and the general situation of the energy (Texas), Texas should contain the following when evaluating indicators.
  According to the definition of renewable energy, renewable energy resources can be divided into fuel ethanol minus the denaturant (EM), direct use of geothermal energy and geothermal heat pump (GE), the traditional hydropower (HY), the sun's heat directly to use energy and photovoltaic (pvc) grid generation (SO), wind power (WY), wood and wood burning (WD), biomass waste (WS). And the non-renewable energy resources can be divided into fossil fuel coal (CL), excluding supplementary gas fuel gas (NN), excluding fuel ethanol gasoline (PM) and nuclear power (NU). The energy consumption level and its structural characteristics of a region are another important indicator to measure the level of economic and social development.   Total energy consumption is the total amount of energy consumed by a region for production and living in a specified period. This reflects the absolute energy consumption level, composition and growth rate of the total area.
  3 energy security
  National energy security: I = energy supply/energy demand. If I am greater than or equal to 1, the energy supply is safe, I <1, indicating that the energy supply is not safe, and corresponding countermeasures should be taken, such as increased investment.
  Arg, ethanol, o denaturant, total consumption is renewable energy, raw material can be used as a new Fuel alternative to gasoline additives, reduce the oil consumption, can be directly used as liquid Fuel or blended with gasoline, can reduce the dependence on non-renewable energy - oil, the region's energy security.
  Regression analysis was used to develop a regression model.Using the regress command and the least square method in Matlab, the multivariate linear regression was realized by using the data and energy consumption data from four states. From the above, energy consumption can be found to be positively correlated with population.
  At the same time, we recommend that clean renewable energy use less states, and can use more states to learn relevant technologies for clean renewable energy. States with more energy use may have a trading relationship with energy-using smaller states.
  4 the ‘best’ profile for use of cleaner
  Analytic hierarchy process is that people in the social, economic, and scientific management problem in the field of system analysis, the face is often a connected to each other, and mutual restriction of many factors that constitute the complex and often lack of quantitative data of the system. Analytic hierarchy process provides a new, concise and practical modeling method for the decision-making and ordering of such problems.
  We have established a model, which is separated into three layers, from top to bottom: target layer, criterion layer and measure layer.
  We define clean renewable energy ratio as B1, per capita clean energy ratio B2, and clean energy efficiency B3.Arizona is C1, California is C2, New Mexico is C3, Texas is C4.
  Then, according to the ratio of clean energy and diverse values in each state in 2009, the judgment matrix of the scheme layer was constructed.Clean renewable energy ratio, per capita clean energy ratio and clean energy efficiency matrix.
  According to the total weight information in the table above the size of the total weight, Arizona has the power value of 0.6483, so we can conclude that the 2009 Arizona looks in four states have the "best" an overview of the use of clean and renewable energy.
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摘 要:随着用电量的不断增加,人们对于电力系统的运行可靠性提出了更高的要求。由于水电厂是保障電力正常供应的重要影响因素之一,为了保障电力系统能够更加平稳、安全的运行,为社会生产和居民生活提供更加优质的供电服务,必须重视水电厂继电保护技术的提高,确保水电厂的意外故障能够及时解决,降低对于电力系统的不利影响。 本文通过阐述水电厂继电保护的作用和发展历程,对今后水电厂继电保护技术的发展进行设想,希望可以
摘 要:机器对机器(Machine to Machine, M2M)通信是物联网重要的组成部分,其重要性显而易见。确保业务的高效接入是实现万物互联的前提,但是当海量的业务同时发起接入请求时,将会给现有的网络带来巨大的压力甚至引起严重的拥塞现象,致使数据发送不成功进而影响系统的服务质量。理清M2M的类别以及与与传统的H2H通信业务特性的区别对于我们研究物联网至关重要。  关键词:物联网,M2M,H2
摘 要:航道是重要的基础性水运资源,随着经济社会的发展,作为水运的一种战略性资源对发展交通运输和江河流域经济有着极为重要的作用。因此,浅谈航道工程对环境的影响及应对措施具有重要意义。本文首先对航道工程对水域生态的影响进行了概述,详细探讨了航道工程对环境影响的应对措施,旨在做好航道工程建设施工工作。  关键词:航道工程;环境;影响;应对措施  所谓航道,就是在水域内供船舶以及排、筏等航行的线路,是国
摘 要:现代化工业技术以及电子科学技术的发展,给多媒体通信技术的创造了更多的发展机遇,并且朝向更加自动化,智能化,全球化的方向迈进,而有线传输技术的应用,在某种程度上代表着现代化多媒体技术的发展水平和发展方向,对传输的速度和传输的质量都有着非常严格的技术要求。在这一背景下,人们将研究的焦点放在了有线传输技术方面并取得了一定的成效,为中国的通信事业奠定了基石,为实现"信息社会"铺平了道路。因此,本文
摘 要:随着当今社会的不断发展,人们生活质量的提高,人们电力装备越来越完善,用电量也越来越多,给电力企业带来了全新的发展机会。但是,机遇与风险往往是并存的,在电力营销服务管理方面,同样存在了很大的挑战。所以,供电企业采取了相应措施,以精细化管理为理念,完善了相关制度和流程。在电力电力营销方面,加大对服务人员的要求,加大绩效考核力度,让电力营销的服务质量和管理水平得到有效的提升。通过各方面的完善措施
摘 要:能源是国民经济发展和社会进步的重要动力来源和物质保障,研究能源消耗量与经济增长的关系具有战略意义,为国家或地区的经济发展策略提供一定的参考。本文以河北省为例,采取1997年至2015年能源消耗量与经济增长相关的18个指标,构建基于主成分分析的能源-经济系统。计算出综合发展水平指数并给出了河北省能源消耗量与经济增长的关系。  关键词:区域经济增长;能源消耗量;多元统计分析;主成分分析  0.
摘 要:本文对电梯的安全影响因素进行了简要分析,就当前电梯安全管理及维护保养中存在的问题进行了剖析,并在此基础上,提出了电梯安全管理及维护保养的一些措施。  关键词:电梯安全管理;电梯保养;电梯维护  电梯是现代社会必不可少的一种乘载工具,随着我国城镇化进程的不断加快,电梯的应用日益广泛,保有量不断上升,其安全管理问题也日益突出。近年来,电梯安全事故不断见诸报道,成为引发社会广泛关注的热点问题,虽
摘 要:本文首先分析了传统烟草质量检验的基本现状,然后阐述了在线监测在烟草质量检测中的应用目的及优势,基于此,探讨了在线检测在烟草质量检验中的应用。  关键词:烟草质量; 在线监测; 应用  随着社会经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,社会大众对于烟草的质量要求越来越高,传统的烟草质量检验方法已经逐渐落后于时代发展的需求,在线监测成为了烟草质量检验中一种全新的趋势,其利用各种自动化监测设备全面
摘 要:伴随着社会的快速发展,我国工业技术处于持续发展阶段,工程机械的性能在自动化程度、信息化程度甚至是智能化程度均有一定的发展,从而带动施工工艺得到进一步优化,推动工程机械的生产、管理获得持续性发展。为了更好地推动工程机械的长远发展,详细分析机电一体化在工程机械中的应用。  关键词:机电一体化;工程机械;应用  引言  随着新一轮科学技术的开发与实践,对于自动化、智能化技术的运用则成为了社会发展
摘 要:在单位的蓬勃发展过程中,办公室涉密文件数量越来越多,在原始资料收集、整理和委托保管等方面,都要确保相关保密规章制度落到实处,确保管理工作水平不断提升。尤其是在信息化时代,我们必须提高对办公室涉密文件的重视程度,真正意识到其对单位发展与建设的重要性,不断改  进管理工作方法,确保体现出涉密文件应有的价值。  关键词:办公室;涉密文件管理;现状及对策  引言  在企业业务活动中,会有大量的文件