小儿惊厥是儿科常见急诊之一,严重者可危及生命,其中以高热惊厥占首位高达5~6%。而低钠惊厥在开始往往容易被忽视。现将我院儿科住院病人中收治的10例低钠惊厥作临床分析如下。 1 临床资料 本组病例中,男3例,女7例,发病年龄从5个月~2岁。7例系母乳喂养,3例系人工喂养伴有营养不良。9例以惊厥为主诉入院,1例系在住院过程中,原发病得到控制,而出现抽搐发作,经查血钠低于正常,补充3%氯化钠后抽搐停止。10例均表现为神经系统兴奋症状:双眼凝视,四肢强直,眼肌、面
Pediatric convulsions is one of the common pediatric emergency, severe cases can be life-threatening, with febrile seizures accounted for the first up to 5 to 6%. The onset of hyponatremia is often easily overlooked. Now hospital pediatric inpatient admitted in 10 cases of sodium seizures for clinical analysis as follows. 1 clinical data in this group of patients, 3 males and 7 females, the age of onset from 5 months to 2 years. Seven cases were breastfed and three cases were fed with malnutrition. Nine patients were admitted to hospital with convulsions. One patient was admitted to the hospital during the hospitalization. The primary disease was under control and convulsions occurred. After the serum sodium level was lower than normal, the convulsions were stopped after adding 3% sodium chloride. Ten cases showed neurological symptoms: binocular gaze, limbs ankylosis, oculomotor, face