数码风现在是愈演愈烈,而作为数码潮风头浪尖的数码相机,毫无疑问将是大家首先考虑选购的数码产品,但数码相机动辄几千元的价格对我们这些发展中国家的老百姓来说肯定是一笔不小的开支,所以买之前大家都会仔细了解、细心比较。现在造数码相机的厂商如此之多,型号功能也是多种多样,大家要出手买台数码相机势必要花不少时间在了解过程中,而即使化了时间也难保没有遗漏,因此今天我就给各位作个导购员,领大家逛逛如今的中国数码市场有哪些数码相机可选! 咱们老百姓对数码相机的心理价位应该在3000元以下,所以我们的导购也是在这个价位下进行的。
Digital wind is now intensified, and as the digital wave wave of digital cameras, no doubt we will first consider the purchase of digital products, but the price of digital cameras easily a few thousand dollars for our people in these developing countries Definitely a small expenditure, so we will carefully understand before buying, careful comparison. Now so many manufacturers of digital cameras, model features are varied, we have to shot a digital camera is bound to take a lot of time to understand the process, and even if the time can not be guaranteed without omission, so today I give You make a Purchasing Guide, led us to stroll today’s China digital market, what digital camera optional! Let the people of the psychological price of digital cameras should be 3,000 yuan or less, so our shopping guide is also carried out at this price.