美国启动“2 0 1”条款限制钢铁进口 ,在世界范围内激起轩然大波。在这种背景下 ,一个现实而有意义的问题是 :美国援引“2 0 1”条款实施进口限制的做法是否有违世界贸易组织和关税及贸易总协定的有关规定 ?本文通过世界贸易组织和关税及贸易总协定有关规则与美国“2 0 1”条款的比较对这一问题进行了讨论 ,并提出了当前我国政府和国内企业应当采取的对策。
The United States started the “210” clause to restrict steel imports, causing a great uproar around the world. Against this background, a realistic and significant question is whether the United States’ practice of imposing import restrictions on the basis of the “2001” clause violates the relevant provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization. This article, through the World Trade Organization and the World Trade Organization, This issue was discussed in comparison with the “201” clause of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and with the provisions of the United States, and proposed the measures currently to be taken by our government and domestic enterprises.