Lixin She, chief editor and vice president of Electronics Industry Press, editing, communications and electronic information systems and EMBA dual master. He is also the director and editor-in-chief of China Informatization Magazine, Electronics and Computer magazine, Digital Entertainment Technology magazine, and publisher of “Radio Magazine” and “Digital Communications New World” magazine. He taught at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics for ten years before being transferred to the Electronics Industry Press. Former Electronics Industry Press Computer Books Division, (Electronic Industry Press) Beijing Yi Feisi, general manager of Information Technology Co., Ltd., deputy editor of the Electronics Industry Press, editor and vice president. Employed Ningbo University of Technology Ningbo Institute of Information Technology and Social Development Strategy Research Center senior adviser, visiting professor of Beijing Institute of Printing, Press and Publication Administration Education and Training Center part-time professor. In recent years, dedicated to information technology, information security and digital publishing research and exploration.