1 教学片段展示片断1:学区公开课上,教师 C 在上浙教版七年级下册“认识事件的可能性”一课时,播映了“守株待兔”的故事:宋国人曾经拾到过一只碰死在树桩上的兔子,于是久久地守候着那个树桩,幻觉里还蹦出千万只排着队来送死的兔子……片断2:温州市数学公开课上,省教坛新秀教师 Z在上北师大版八年级下册“变化的鱼”一课时,播映时下流行的美国故事片“海底总动员”里一对可爱的小丑鱼父子——父亲玛林和儿子尼莫,它们形态相同而大小不同,在海底快乐的游动,学生一片欢呼.欣赏后,
1 teaching fragment display fragment 1: school open class, teacher C in the Zhejiang PEP grade seven “understanding of the possibility of the event,” a lesson, broadcast the “sit back and wait” story: the Song who had picked up Over a rabbit on the stump, so long waiting for the stump, the illusion also jumped out tens of thousands of lined up to send the rabbit died ... ... 2: Wenzhou City Open Math class, Teacher Z in the version of the eighth grade under the Beijing Normal University, “Fish” lesson, broadcast the popular American feature film “Finding Nemo” in a pair of cute clown fish father and son - father Marin and son Nigeria Mo, they form the same size and different, happy swimming in the sea, the students cheered. After enjoying,