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巴洛克时期是西方音乐史上一个音乐风格的转型时期,一般将17世纪前后至18世纪中期这段时间称为“巴洛克时期”。由于巴洛克时期的音乐气势恢弘富于激情,所以“巴洛克”一词的本意“不规则的珍珠”也恰当地体现了这一时期的音乐形态。巴洛克时期的音乐与文艺复兴时期的音乐截然不同。文艺复兴时期的音乐安静平和,而巴洛克时期的音乐对比强烈,略有夸张。它打破了平整的均匀的结构,用对比的方式来增加其张扬的个性。所以有些作曲家指责这一时期的作品“过于夸饰而不够规 The Baroque period is a musical style transitional period in the history of western music. Generally, the period from the 17th century to the mid-18th century is called the Baroque period. Because of the magnificent and passionate music in Baroque period, the original meaning of ”baroque“ ”irregular pearl “ also properly reflects the musical form of this period. Baroque music and Renaissance music is very different. Renaissance music quiet and peaceful, while the Baroque music strong, slightly exaggerated. It breaks the even, uniform structure and increases the individuality of its publicity in contrasting ways. So some composers blame the works of this period ”too exaggerated and not enough regulation