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在群体水培条件下 ,选用包括常规籼稻、常规粳稻、广亲和品种、三系杂交籼稻、杂交粳稻、两系法杂交稻在内的 92个水稻品种 (组合 ) ,研究不同类型水稻品种间每株不定根数、每株根干重、每株不定根总长度、每条不定根长、最长根长、每条不定根粗、每条不定根重、单位长度不定根重、单位干重根系活性、每株根系活性、根系吸收总面积、根系活跃吸收面积等 12个根系性状的差异。结果表明 :(1)多数根系形态性状及根系吸收面积的顺序为两系法杂交稻>杂交籼稻 >杂交粳稻 >常规籼稻 >常规粳稻 >广亲和品种 ,根系活性的顺序为三系杂交籼稻 >杂交粳稻 >常规籼稻>常规粳稻 >两系法杂交稻 >广亲和品种 ;(2 )杂交水稻的每株根干重、每株不定根总长、每条不定根长、最长根长、每株根系活性、根系活跃吸收面积显著或极显著地高于常规水稻 ,单位长度根重则显著低于常规水稻 ;(3)籼型水稻的每株根干重、最长根长、每条不定根粗、每条不定根重、单位长度根重、每株根系活性、根系活跃吸收面积显著或极显著地大于粳型水稻 ;(4 )随着水稻品种产量水平的提高 ,根系性状明显变优 Ninety-two rice cultivars (combinations) including conventional indica rice, conventional japonica rice, wide compatibility variety, three-line hybrid indica rice, japonica hybrid rice and two-line hybrid rice were selected under the condition of population hydroponics. The number of adventitious roots per plant, the dry weight per plant, the total length of adventitious roots per plant, the length of each adventitious root, the longest root length, the diameter of each adventitious root, the adventitious root weight per unit length, the root weight per unit length, Root activity, total root absorption area, root active absorption area of ​​12 root traits differences. The results showed that: (1) The order of most root morphological traits and root absorption area was two-line hybrid rice> indica hybrid rice> japonica hybrid rice> conventional indica rice> conventional japonica rice> broad compatibility variety. The order of root activity was three-line hybrid indica rice> Japonica hybrid rice> conventional indica rice> conventional japonica rice> two-line hybrid rice> wide compatibility variety; (2) dry root weight per plant of hybrid rice, total length of adventitious root per plant, length of each adventitious root, Activity and root active absorption area were significantly or very significantly higher than those of conventional rice and the root length per unit length was significantly lower than that of conventional rice. (3) The dry root weight, the longest root length and the adventitious root per root of indica rice, Each adventitious root weight, root length per unit length, root activity per plant, active absorption area of ​​root was significantly or extremely significantly greater than that of japonica rice; (4) With the increase of rice yield, the root traits obviously improved
以试管两倍稀释法测得体外氟甲砜霉素(florfenicol)及对照药物恩诺沙星对禽败血支原体(MG)的最小抑菌质量浓度分别为1.25、0.019 5 mg/L.体内药效试验表明,氟甲砜霉素以300、
以黄淮冬麦区种植面积较大的普通小麦半冬性品种温麦 6号 (穗数型 )、徐州 2 5 (中间型 )为试验材料 ,采用不同措施于拔节前形成群体规模和特征有较大差异且有代表性的大、中
用CIRAS 1便携式光合作用测定系统研究了豆梨 (PyrusbetulaefoliaBunge)、杜梨 (P .calleryanaDcen .)幼树以及豆梨、杜梨与砂梨 (P .pyrifoliaNakai)品种丰水、新高 4种砧穗
日本黄脊蝗在商洛市 1年发生 1代 ,以成虫在农田及地边、路边较厚的草叶之下越冬 ,翌年 4~ 6月为越冬代成虫活动、交配、产卵繁殖时期 ,7月上旬至 9月下旬为蝗蝻生长发育期 ,9