人大九届第十二次会议修订通过的《中华人民共和国会计法》(下称《会计法》),是我国会计工作和法制建设的一个新的里程碑。作为一名特大型企业的总会计师,在对《会计法》表示坚决拥护和十分高兴的同时,也深深感到肩负的责任重大,并应该不折不扣地认真贯彻和执行。 从修订后的《会计法》内容来看,我认为突出解
The Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Accounting Law”), as revised and adopted at the twelfth meeting of the Ninth NPC, is a new milestone in the accounting work and legal system construction in our country. As a chief accountant of a very large enterprise, while firmly expressing its support and delight in the “Accounting Law,” he also deeply felt the responsibility he shouldered and should be conscientiously implemented and implemented without any compromise. From the revised “Accounting Law” content, I think that highlights the solution