中日战争时期 ,除了中国的东北地区以外 ,日本政府还向华南地区的一个岛屿———三灶岛 ,派出过农业移民团。对此少有人知 ,且至今也没有过学术探讨。日本海军在 1 93 7年 1 2月攻占了该岛 ,修建军用机场。由于他们此前在华南地区还没有地面航空基地 ,三灶岛上的该航空基地具有重大的战略意义。为了给这个基地供给粮食 ,或者也可能是出于军事警备上的需要 ,日本冲绳县向该岛派出了农业移民共 40 0人左右。
During the Sino-Japanese War, in addition to China’s northeast region, the Japanese government sent an agricultural immigrant delegation to the Three Kao Island, an island in southern China. Little is known about it, and so far there have been no academic discussions. The Japanese navy captured the island in January 1993 and built a military airport. Since they did not have a ground air base in southern China before, the air base on the island of Sancao is of great strategic importance. In order to supply food to this base or it may be out of military need, Japan Okinawa sent about 40,000 agricultural migrants to the island.