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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校:《国务院办公厅关于中央企业分离办社会职能试点工作有关问题的通知》(国办发[2004]22号)已印发给你们,现结合我省实际提出如下意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、统一思想,高度重视,充分认识做好驻鲁中央企业分离办社会职能试点工作的重要性做好企业分离办社会职能工作,是深化国有企业改革,解决国有企业人员多、负担重等历史遗留问题,增强国有企业竞争力的重要措施,有利于社会各项事业的统筹协调发展。国务院决定选择中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、东风汽车公司3户中央企业进行分离办社会职能的改革试点,充分考虑了各方面利益和事业发展的需要,对于 Municipal People’s Governments, People’s Governments of counties (cities/districts), various departments of the provincial government, all directly-affiliated institutions, major corporations, and colleges and universities: “Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Relevant Issues Concerning the Pilot Tasks of the Separation of Social Functions by Central Enterprises” (Guobanfa [2004] No. 22) has been issued to you. Now we put forward the following opinions in light of the actual situation in our province. Please implement it together. First, unify the thinking, attach great importance to and fully understand the importance of doing a good job in the separation of the central government of Zhuo’s central enterprises to carry out the pilot work of social functions. Do a good job of separating the company’s social functions, is to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, solve the problem of the large number of employees and heavy burden of state-owned enterprises. The remaining issues and important measures to enhance the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises are conducive to the overall coordinated development of all social undertakings. The State Council decided to select three central enterprises of China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, and Dongfeng Motor Corporation to carry out the reform of the social functions of the pilot. This fully considered the needs of all parties and the development of the business.
按印度教历法推算,每年公历2月底3月初是新年的开端,这期间的第一个圆月日是春天的标志,这一天便是印度教的传统节日——胡里节。印度人从这天开始狂欢3至6天。 According t
笔者应用腭咽环扎术,咽后壁瓣,腭咽闭合术,等3种腭裂修复术为76例病人进行了治疗,并对这种方法进行分组观察对比,总结报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组76例,男47例,女2
过年了,做点新鲜东西尝尝吧。今天,巧儿姐姐要教大家做一款比萨,小馋咪快来跟我一起动手吧! 材料:面粉、黄油、奶粉、食用油 、番 茄 酱 、香 辣 酱 、乳 酪 丝 、青椒、洋葱、虾
【考点提要】光现象在中考中出现较频繁的题型是选择、填空、作图等题型.各知识点都可以通过选择题的形式出现,其中凸透镜的成像规律 【Examinations】 Light phenomenon Th