Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences has independently developed a 9-channel magnetocardiograph that can work stably in a simple magnetic shielding environment in the downtown area. The system includes 9 signal channels and 3 reference channels, 36-point magnetic signal, can provide a series of magnetic imaging, such as magnetic maps, pseudo-current density map for the doctor to interpret.This paper mainly based on the system for a complete performance test and evaluation of the system measured multi-cycle noise level is excellent At 4pT, the system bandwidth is DC-40Hz, the magnetic-to-voltage conversion coefficient of 9 signal channels is about 2500pT / V and the system slew rate is 0.3 × 106Φ0 / s. At present, the system has successfully collected nearly 50 volunteers Magnetocardiography provides clinically valuable medical information.