贝多芬交响曲、尤其是“九交”的录音版本之多,可能其他作品无法企及。不过全本的录像软件似乎还不多见,这款“贝九”的影音资料出自库特·马苏尔(Kurt Masur,1927~)与他指挥的莱比锡格万特豪斯乐团合作演录记录。 近年来,马苏尔的发光点显然集中在他与纽约爱乐的合作方面。其实他从上世纪70年代至90年代在格万特豪斯的成就是也最值得记录的。这一时期是这位出生于前东德指挥大师年富力强、精力和创造力最旺盛的时期。其主要和重要的录音也出自他与格万特豪斯的合作演录。从这张影碟的记录中,我们可以比较系统、全方位地欣赏到他的指挥艺术风范——高度的严谨与规范、超强的控制能力,以及在指挥中对作品整体性的把握——主要表现在流畅感、歌唱性方面。这与单纯欣赏CD有所区别,通过这款影碟
Many versions of the Beethoven symphony, and especially the recorded version of “Nine Diplomacy”, may not be covered by other works. However, the entire video recording software does not seem to be available anymore. The “BeiJiu” video and audio data is from Kurt Masur (1927 ~) working in concert with Leipzig’s Gewandhaus Orchestra . In recent years, Masur’s glow is clearly focused on his cooperation with New York Philharmonic. In fact, his achievements at the Gwinnett House from the 1970s to the 1990s are also the most noteworthy. This period was born during the time when the former East German commander was one of the most prosperous, energetic and creative. His major and important recordings are also from his collaboration with Gwinter House. From the record of this video, we can appreciate his style of commanding art more systematically and comprehensively - a high degree of rigor and standardization, superior control ability, and the integrity of the work in command Performance in the flu, singing aspects. This is different from simply enjoy the CD, through this DVD