新疆准东经济技术开发区(以下简称准东开发区)位于昌吉回族自治州境内,总规划面积范围约2万km~2,其中准东煤田是国家确定的第14个大型煤炭基地的重要组成部分。准东开发区立足于准东煤炭资源,以实现资源的高效、清洁、高附加值转化为方向,大力发展煤电、煤电冶一体化、煤化工、煤制气、煤制油、新型建材等6大支柱产业,构建以煤炭转化产业为支柱,以下游应用产业为引领,沙漠产业与现代服务业相互支撑的绿色产业体系。准东开发区东西宽约140 km,南北宽约90 km,是目前国家最大的经济开发区之一。
Located in the territory of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, the quasi-East Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zhundong Economic and Technological Development Zone) has a total planned area of about 20,000 km ~ 2, of which the quasi-Dong Coalfield is an important part of the 14th large- . Quasi-East Development Zone based on the quasi-eastern coal resources in order to achieve efficient, clean, high value-added resources into a direction, and vigorously develop coal, coal and metallurgical integration, coal chemical industry, coal gas, coal, new building materials And other six pillar industries to build a coal conversion industry as the pillar to the downstream application industry as the leading desert industry and modern service industry mutual support of the green industry system. The quasi-east development zone is 140 km wide and 90 km wide in the north and south, making it one of the largest economic development zones in the country.