师:同学们打开课本第79页。今天我们学习第五章:秦汉时期的文化。(板书)秦统一是哪一年? 生:公元前221年。(板书) 师:汉朝分为——生:西汉和东汉。师:东汉是哪一年结束的?公元220年(板书)。算一算,秦汉时期的历史共有多少年? 生:441年。师:秦汉时期是我国统一的多民族的封建国家的形成和初步发展时期。它在政治上有一个重要的特点,那就是国家统一。国家的
Teacher: Students open the text on page 79. Today we study the fifth chapter: the culture of the Qin and Han Dynasties. (Blackboard) Qin unification which year? Health: 221 BC. (Blackboard) Division: Han divided into - students: Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty. Teacher: Which year is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty? AD 220 (blackboard). Counting, Qin and Han Dynasties history total number of years? Health: 441 years. Teacher: The Qin and Han Dynasties were the period of formation and initial development of the unified multi-ethnic feudal nation in our country. It has an important political feature, that is, national unity. The country’s