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当代作家史铁生,其人其作品都值得仔细品读。史铁生因病导致双腿瘫痪时,年仅21岁。这个独特的人与独特经历作家所写的书,不由自主会关注“生与死”的问题。本文通过对史铁生作品的分析,试图探究史铁生“生死”观的主线。首先,史铁生的生死观解读,其实是佛教视角下的解释。本论文先是对佛教的“生死观”做出解释,接着指出史铁生正是用佛教的生死观点来诠释自己作品中的主人公与故事。再次,本论文具体解释史铁生作品中的“生死观”问题。生命个体渴求死亡,并经过思索,进而战胜而超越这种恐惧,最后达到向死而生的新境界。这是史铁生对“生死”问题的终极思考,也是佛教传达出的生就是死,死就是生的般若主题。通过终极思考,超越生死,达到生生不息的涅槃境界。 Contemporary writer Shi Tiesheng, his work is worth reading carefully. When Shi Tiesheng paralyzed his legs due to illness, he was only 21 years old. This unique book of people and unique experience writers, involuntarily will be concerned about “life and death ” issue. Through the analysis of Shi Tiesheng’s works, this article tries to explore the main line of Shi Tiesheng’s life and death view. First of all, Shi Tyson’s interpretation of life and death is actually an explanation from a Buddhist perspective. This paper firstly explains Buddhism’s concept of life and death, then points out that Shi Tiesheng interprets the characters and stories in his own works from the perspective of life and death of Buddhism. Thirdly, this thesis concretely explains the issue of “life and death” in Shi Tiesheng’s works. Individuals in life desperately want to die, and after thinking, they then overcome and overcome this fear, and finally reach the new realm of death. This is the ultimate thinking of Shi Tie-sheng on the issue of “life and death,” and it is also the theme of Buddhism that life is death and death is born. Through the ultimate thinking, beyond life and death, to achieve endless nirvana realm.
消失也无法忘记的谢碥  一座村庄的消失跟一个人的死亡一样,是永远的。  谢碥上院子的杨家,他们家的三个儿子先后从祖屋搬了出去。搬空了的祖屋被拆掉后,留下一块地。他们把那块地种上了树。虽然种上了树,你也看得出,这里,原来有座院子。它大概有多大,你能从它的屋基边缘看出来。它的朝向,你也可以从院墙的地基看得出。那屋基地周围,还留着几笼慈竹和一口水井。水井是没有水了的,井沿长出的青苔都发了黑,慈竹仍旧不声