布罗伍德,1824年制造于英国伦敦。这是世界上最高的立式钢琴,有6.5 英尺高,琴弦上竖。演奏时,演奏者与观众不能面对面进行交流。所以,这种琴 只流行了几年,就停止生产。此琴就显得“奇货可居”了。 1936年11月15日诞生在厦门鼓浪屿 的胡友义,从小受到“音乐之岛”、 “钢 琴之乡”环境的熏陶,对钢琴、大小提琴 尤饶兴趣。50年代,他就告别故乡远赴上 海,拜著名钢琴教育家李嘉禄教授、大提 琴家陈鼎臣教授为师。1965年,他获奖学 金赴比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院学习, 主修管风琴和钢琴。毕业之后,他以钢琴 家的身份,在欧洲各国及香港等地教授钢 琴。
Brodwood, made in 1824 in London, England. It is the tallest upright piano in the world, with a height of 6.5 feet and strings up. Players and the audience can not communicate face to face when playing. So, this kind of piano only popular for a few years, stop production. This piano seems to be “real”. November 15, 1936 was born in Xiamen Gulangyu Hu Youyi, childhood by the “music island”, “piano town” environment nurtured, especially for the piano, violin and other interest. In the 1950s, he bid farewell to his hometown went to Shanghai, thanks to the famous piano educator Professor Li Jialu, cellist Professor Chen Dingchen as a teacher. In 1965, he received a scholarship to study at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, Belgium, majoring in organ and piano. After graduation, he taught piano as a pianist in European countries and Hong Kong.