患者,男,95岁,体重70kg。因“咳嗽,发热17 d,加重3d”入院。患者既往有青霉素过敏史,否认肝炎、结核史。体检:T 38.0℃(肛表),R 20次/min,P 98次/min,BP 175/90mmHg,神清,精神萎靡,查体合作,无皮疹、出血点,口唇无紫绀,咽无充血。入院当天查血常规WBC 11.0×10~9·L~(-1),RBC 3.64×10~(12)·L~(-1),Plt 209×10~9·L~(-1),N 0.901。胸部
Patients, male, 95 years old, weighing 70kg. Because “cough, fever 17d, increased 3d ” admission. Past history of patients with penicillin allergy, denied hepatitis, tuberculosis history. Physical examination: T 38.0 ℃ (anal surface), R 20 times / min, P 98 times / min, BP 175 / 90mmHg, Shen Qing, apathetic, physical examination cooperation, no rash, bleeding point, lips without cyanosis, . On the day of admission, blood routine WBC count was 11.0 × 10 ~ 9 · L -1, RBC was 3.64 × 10 ~ (12) · L -1, Plt 209 × 10 ~ 9 · L -1, N 0.901. chest