本标准规定了火焰发射、原子吸收和原子荧光光谱分析法的术语及其定义,目的在于统一分析工作者有关术语的认识,以利于国内外交流。在制订、修订标准及教学、科研、编写技术文件时,如遇有这些术语,应执行本标准的规定。1 一般术语1.1 火焰发射光谱法 flame emission spectrometry(FES)基于测量火焰中原子或分子所发射的特征电磁辐射强度,测定化学元素的方法。
This standard specifies the terms of flame emission, atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence spectrometry and its definition, the purpose of which is to unify the analysis of the workers’ understanding of terms, in order to facilitate domestic and foreign exchanges. In the formulation, revision of standards and teaching, research, preparation of technical documents, in case of these terms, the provisions of this standard should be implemented. 1 General terms 1.1 Flame emission spectrometry flame emission spectrometry (FES) Determination of chemical elements based on the intensity of the characteristic electromagnetic radiation emitted by atoms or molecules in a flame.