在万工显上不能直接测量如图1所示的两槽中心线平而交点尺寸L。本文介绍两种间接测量平面交点尺寸的方法。方法一: 1.将工件平放在玻璃工作台上,按图2所示使工件的C边找正与仪器x轴平行,在y轴方向测出槽宽尺寸2b(也可用量块塞入测出)。 2.转动工件,使A边平行于y轴。 3.操纵滑台使目镜米字线中心分别与A、B两边重合后读数,取槽中心线-坐标x。移动横向滑台至x坐标,使目镜米字线中心在槽的中心线上。
In the work of workers can not directly measure the square as shown in Figure 1, the centerline of the flat intersection point size L. This article describes two methods for indirectly measuring the intersection point size of a plane. Method 1: 1. Place the work piece flat on the glass workbench, make the C side of the work piece align with the x-axis of the instrument as shown in Figure 2, and measure the groove width size 2b in the y-axis direction found out). 2. Turn the workpiece so that the A side is parallel to the y-axis. 3. Manipulate the slider so that the eyepiece meter word center coincides with the readings of A and B sides respectively and take the center line of the slot - coordinate x. Move the horizontal slide to the x coordinate so that the eyepiece meter word center is on the center of the slot.