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中西医结合治疗秋季腹泻山西省人民医院(030012)程素静,梁栋山西省药品检验所张凤清婴幼儿腹泻是小儿常见多发病之一。因为腹泻日久易引起营养不良及各种维生素缺乏疾病,应作为重点防治疾病[1]。近年来我们对秋季腹泻100例住院患儿进行中药西药治疗对比观察(中药组50例,西药组50例)。观察结果中药组疗效优于西药组,详情分析如下。临床资料100例均为临床确诊为“秋季腹泻”者。随机地分为两组:一组用中药治疗,不用抗生素;一组口服抗生素、静脉输抗生素。两组年龄分布、发病月份、临床表现及治疗结果见表1~4。大便性状多为稀水蛋花汤样有奶瓣,亦有少数大便呈牛奶样。显微镜下可见大量脂肪球,偶见白细胞,很难见细菌性肠炎产物,如脓细胞、红细胞等。100例患儿均用ELISA检测病原分离,病毒阳性率占50.8%。入院后用中药治疗组大便好转日期及退热日期均优于西药组。讨论婴幼儿腹泻每年均有二次发病高峰,第一次在6、7、8月,据国内文献统计大多为致病性大肠杆菌或产毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)引起,治疗以抗生素为主。第二次高峰在9、10、11月份被称为“秋季腹泻”,与夏季腹泻不尽相同:腹泻症状重,死亡较少[2];临床表现为呕吐、腹泻,每日大 Integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment of autumn diarrhea Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital (030012) Cheng Sujing, Liang Dong Shanxi Provincial Institute for Drug Control Zhang Fengqing Infantile diarrhea is one of the common polyps in children. Because of the diarrhea can lead to malnutrition and a variety of vitamin deficiency diseases, should be focused on the prevention and treatment of disease [1]. In recent years, we compared 100 cases of hospitalized children with diarrhea in autumn to treat traditional Chinese medicine (50 in traditional Chinese medicine group and 50 in western medicine group). The observation results of Chinese medicine group is better than Western medicine group, the details are as follows. Clinical data of 100 cases were clinically diagnosed as “autumn diarrhea” who. Randomly divided into two groups: a group treated with Chinese medicine, without antibiotics; a group of oral antibiotics, intravenous antibiotics. Two groups of age distribution, the onset of the month, clinical manifestations and treatment results in Table 1 ~ 4. More stool stool water hyacinth soup with milk, but also a small number of stool was like milk. A large number of fat balls can be seen under the microscope, occasionally white blood cells, it is difficult to see bacterial enteritis products, such as pus, red blood cells and so on. 100 cases of children were detected by ELISA pathogen isolation, the virus positive rate accounted for 50.8%. After admission with traditional Chinese medicine treatment group stool improvement date and antipyretic dates are better than western medicine group. Discussion Infantile diarrhea every year, the second peak incidence, the first time in June, July and August, according to the domestic literature mostly pathogenic E. coli or toxin-producing Escherichia coli (ETEC) caused by the treatment of antibiotics. The second peak is known as “autumn diarrhea” in September, October and November and differs from summer diarrhea: diarrhea symptoms are rare and deaths are less frequent [2]; clinical manifestations are vomiting, diarrhea, and daily
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