
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowbar
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《中国村镇情结》一书,是由成立于1979年的原“村镇建设研究会”的一批老同志以“老村镇建设工作者联谊会”的名义编辑出版问世的。该书扼要地记述了我国村镇建设从无到有,从小到大,由浅入深,从乡土到现代,从轰动全国到知名全球的创业历程。就中,也凝聚着老一辈村镇建设工作者们无私奉献、博爱坚贞的高尚情结。它是我国村镇建设发展壮大的历程之见证,也是一曲讴歌艰苦创业、播洒爱心的感人史诗。虽然,这支老村镇建设团队有的人已经辞世,但其业绩不灭,风范犹存,后人永远不会忘记。古语云:“温故而知新。”我们不能忘却历史,更不能丢失中华民族艰苦奋斗、求实创新、自立自强的优良传统和高尚情操!我们坚信,在中央空前高度重视、鼎力扶持社会主义新农村建设的今天,后人当再接再厉,在前人业绩基础上,与时俱进,再铸辉煌! The book “China’s Village and Town Complex” was edited and published by a group of old comrades founded in 1979 by the “Association for the Study of Village and Township Construction” in 1979 in the name of the “Association of Old-Town and Village Construction Workers”. The book briefly describes the process of starting a business from scratch in our country, from small to large, from shallow to deep, from the native to the modern, from the sensation of the whole country to the world-renowned. In the meantime, it also embodies the noble feelings of selfless dedication and fraternity of the older generation of village and town construction workers. It is the witness of the development and expansion of the construction of villages and towns in our country. It is also an epic poem of hard-working, sowing love. Although some people in this old village and town construction team have already died, their performance is still in the doldrums and their demeanor remains. Their descendants will never forget. As the old saying goes: "We can not forget history but can not even lose the fine traditions and noble sentiments of the Chinese nation in its hard work, realistic and innovative, self-reliance and self-reliance! We firmly believe that we should attach great importance to the Central Government and fully support socialism Today’s new rural construction, descendants make persistent efforts, based on the performance of predecessors, advance with the times, and then cast glory!
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