编辑同志: 现向您反映一事。我还在广州市第41中学工作期间,曾把自己的教学体会凑成一文,在华南师大刊物《中学政治教学》1990年第五期上发表(见复印件)。没想到贵刊今年第四期《关于“自私”问题的教学回顾》一文,除个别地方外,与本人的拙作如出一辙,是否抄袭?请贵刊调查核实,如属实,应对该文的作
Edit Comrade: Now reflect to you. During my work in No. 41 Middle School in Guangzhou, I published my own teaching experience and published it in the fifth issue of “Political Education in Middle Schools” of South China Normal University (see copy). I did not expect your school’s fourth issue of this year’s “Teaching Review on the issue of selfish” one article, in a few places, with my own book is exactly the same, whether plagiarism? Please investigate your investigation and verification, if true, to deal with the text for