在确定特高压变电站计算机监控系统的方案时,应首先拟定监控系统的主要设计原则。1 000 kV特高压变电站信息量大、测点多、突发事件多以及电磁环境复杂,宜采用成熟先进的全分布、开放式系统结构,站控层各计算机均直接接入站级主干网。采用国际标准的通信体系,产品条件成熟时优先选用基于IEC61850系列标准构建的计算机监控系统网络结构。监控系统方案设计中应着重关注系统网络结构、信息组网方式、电压无功控制要求以及IEC61850应用的可行性等方面。
In determining UHV substation computer monitoring system program, we should first develop the main design principles of monitoring system. The 1 000 kV UHV substation has a large amount of information, many measuring points, many emergencies and a complex electromagnetic environment. The advanced and fully distributed and open system structure should be adopted. All stations in the station-level control network are directly connected to the station-level backbone network. The use of international standards of communication systems, product conditions mature preferred to build based on IEC61850 series of computer monitoring system network structure. Monitoring system design should focus on the system network structure, information networking, voltage and reactive power control requirements and the feasibility of IEC61850 applications.