Under the trend of digital technology and mobile communications / cloud computing, not only are commercial challenges facing the emerging legal issues common to commercial activities, but also museums inevitably face new technologies and new services as they start to innovate through digital technologies The challenge of Taipei National Palace Museum is no exception. Because of this, it is also advisable to consider legal and intellectual property issues that may be faced in introducing such technologies and service innovation as the Taipei Palace Museum begins to ponder how to use mobile cloud services to promote the service innovation of museums. In particular, how innovative services should be promoted, how to interact with users to provide personalized services, and how to deal with possible legal issues and intellectual property challenges in the context of operations / cloud to avoid the loss of digital content and user data Are key issues that should be considered when introducing innovative services in museums using mobile / cloud technologies. This article explores the legal and intellectual property issues related to these museums. It also discusses possible problems that museums may face as digital technology service platforms and digital content providers, and puts forward relevant suggestions.