抓住关键点 提升有效性——思想品德课教学达成情感目标的思考

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初中生情感、态度与价值观的培养被列为思想品德课首要教学目标。但在现实的思想品德课教学中,情感、态度与价值观教育还存在着知识化或技能化的倾向。要改变这种不良局面,必须抓住思想品德教学的几个关键点——教师、教材、活动、评价,并逐一提升效益。 Junior high school students emotion, attitude and values ​​of training as the ideological and moral lessons as the primary teaching goal. However, in the actual teaching of ideology and morality, there is still a knowledgeable or skill-oriented tendency in emotion, attitude and values ​​education. To change such a bad situation, we must seize the key points of the teaching of ideology and morality - teachers, teaching materials, activities, evaluation, and enhance efficiency one by one.
厚顶盘目(Ostropales Nannf.)隶属于真菌界(Fungi)、双核菌亚界(Dikarya)、子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、果囊菌亚门(Pezizomycotina)、茶渍纲(Lecanoromycetes)、厚顶盘亚纲(Ostro