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日前,招远市档案馆联合市城建档案馆对招远市重点建设项目,也是招远市标志性建筑之一的黄金阁建筑工程档案资料,在检查验合格后,及时接收进馆。由山东招金集团出资,苏州古建公司设计施工的黄金阁,位于招远市西山公园内,该工程2010年8月竣工。黄金阁总高度28.5米,总建筑面积1908平方米,其总体高度与地形的南北走向成黄金比例,采用北方宫式古建 A few days ago, Zhaoyuan City Archives City Construction Archives key construction projects in Zhaoyuan City, Zhaoyuan City is also one of the landmark buildings of the Golden Pavilion construction archives, after passing inspection, timely acceptance into the museum. Funded by Shandong Zhaojin Group, the Golden Pavilion designed and constructed by Suzhou Ancient Construction Company is located in Xishan Park of Zhaoyuan City. The project was completed in August 2010. Golden Court total height of 28.5 meters, a total construction area of ​​1908 square meters, its overall height and the terrain of the North-South into the golden ratio, the ancient style of the North Palace