前 言 1966年,神州大地风云突变,中国人民陷入了一场空前的浩劫之中。说它是一场浩劫,这是若干年后的今天;而在当时,如有谁胆敢称之为“一场浩劫”,那定会遭到批斗、坐牢,乃至杀身之祸。因为用当时最高权威者的话说,这正是“到处莺歌燕舞”、“旧貌换新颜”的“伟大时代”。 就在这个“伟大时代”拉开序幕的第二年,也就是1967年4月30日,首都北京发生了一起不算很大可也不算很小的事件,即:党和国家的最高领导人,除了毛泽东主席和他的“亲密战友林副统帅”外,几乎所有党和国家领导人全都来到首都机场,热烈
Foreword In 1966, the sudden change of the earth situation in China caused the Chinese people to plunge into an unprecedented catastrophe. To say that it is a catastrophe was a few years from now. At that time, anyone who dared to call it a “catastrophe” would certainly be criticized, jailed and even killed. For in the words of the highest authority of the day, this is the “great era” of “Yinggeyan dance everywhere” and “old look and new look”. In the second year that this “great era” kicked off, that is, on April 30, 1967, an incident of modest size and not very small occurred in the capital city of Beijing: the supreme leadership of the party and the state In addition to Chairman Mao Zedong and his “commander in chief Lin”, almost all the party and state leaders came to the Capital Airport and enthusiastically