牙颌测量广泛应用于口腔正畸临床工作中,是诊断儿童及成人错牙合畸形的重要方法,亦可为治疗计划提供理论依据。锥形束计算机断层扫描( CBCT)是一种口腔正畸辅助诊断中的颅颌面影像采集设备,相较于CT,CBCT具有影像精确度高、扫描速度快、占地面积小以及放射辐射量低等优势。 CBCT在正畸领域应用十分广泛,可用于头影测量分析、定位阻生牙、辅助植入微种植体以及分析牙体和牙弓形态等。“,”Dentofacial-maxillary measurement is widely applied in orthodontic clinical work,and is one of the most significant methods to diagnose malocclusion .The three-dimensional images obtained from the cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) are efficiency in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. CBCT is a kind of orthodontic clinical diagnostic device,which compared with the standard medical CT,has great advantages,such as high accuracy,fast scanning speed,small size and low radiation dose.CBCT is also widely used in orthodontics, for example, it can be used to measure cephalometric landmark, to locate impacted teeth,to auxiliary implant mini-implant,and to analyze dental,arch form and occlusion.