6月18日到20日,在莫斯科科学家之家召开了苏联科学院大会。许多著名苏联科学家聚集一堂,讨论在实现苏共中央五月全会决议中科学工作的任务问题。会议由苏联科学院副院长И.П.巴尔金主持开幕。会议参加者听取了苏联科学院院长 A.H.涅斯米扬诺夫的报告。报告题目是关于加速发展化学工业,特别是合成材料及其制品的生产,以满足人民的需要和国民经济的需要,以及苏联科学院的任务。涅斯米扬诺夫院士说,在今年五月,苏共中央全会根据赫鲁晓夫同志的报告,讨论了加速发展化学工业,特别是合成材料及其制品的生产,以满足人民需要和国民经济需要的问题,并且通过了具有伟大意义
From June 18 to June 20, a meeting of the Soviet Academy of Sciences was held at the Moscow Scientist's House. Many famous Soviet scientists came together to discuss the task of carrying out scientific work in the May Plenary Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee. The meeting was opened by И.П. Barkin, vice president of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The participants heard a report by A. H. Nesianyanov, dean of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The title of the report is about accelerating the production of the chemical industry, especially synthetic materials and their products, to meet the needs of the people and the needs of the national economy, as well as the mission of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Academician Nesianyanov said in May this year, the Plenary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, based on Comrade Khrushchev's report, discussed the acceleration of the production of the chemical industry, especially synthetic materials and their products, to meet the needs of the people and the nationals The issue of economic needs, and adopted with great significance