新版交强险 任重而道远

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作为我国的第一个强制性险种,交强险制度在实践中存在的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。2007年4月,北京律师孙勇向保监会提交了一份“撤销交强险赔偿限额规定”的行政复议申请,指责交强险每年有400亿元的“暴利”。2007年9月,946位车主联名向审计署递交报告,请求对交强险进行审计调查,更是把公众对交强险的质疑推向高潮。2008年1月,保监会发布了《关于调整交强险责任限额的公告》,对交强险责任限额和费率进行调整,新方案已于2月1日开始实行。至此,长达一年多的关于交强险的争议暂时告一段落。交强险的完善需要监管部门以及社会公众的共同努力。本刊特约请中央财经大学保险法研究中心主任、法学博士胡晓珂撰文,为读者解读新版交强险。 As the first obligatory insurance in our country, the problems existing in the practice of handing in the insurance system of high risk have aroused widespread concern in the society. In April 2007, Sun Yong, a Beijing lawyer, submitted an application for administrative reconsideration to the CIRC for “canceling the provisions on the compensation limit for compulsory insurance”, accusing him of “huge profits” of 40 billion yuan a year. In September 2007, a total of 946 car owners submitted their reports to the National Audit Office to request an audit investigation on the compulsory traffic accident insurance. In addition, it pushed the public’s question about the compulsory insurance payment to the climax. In January 2008, the CIRC released the “Notice on Adjusting the Limitation of Liability for Compulsory Traffic Insurance” and adjusted the limit of liability and rate of insurance for forced labor insurance. The new plan was put into effect on February 1. At this point, up to more than a year for the controversy over traffic insurance temporarily come to an end. The improvement of compulsory traffic insurance requires the joint efforts of regulatory authorities and the general public. The author specifically invited the Central University of Finance and Insurance Law Research Center, JD law writer, for the reader to interpret the new strong cross insurance.
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