高抗黄化曲叶病毒病番茄新品种浙粉702是以自育株系材料T7969F2-19-1-1-3为母本、T4078F2-3-3-3为父本,结合分子标记辅助技术选育的杂交一代粉红大果型番茄品种。母本T7969F2-19-1-1-3系从以色列引进的耐贮运番茄品种NEMOTAMMI(F1)与抗叶霉病粉红株系材料T9179杂交分离后代中,经连续9代单株选择而成。父本T4078F2-3-3-3系从荷兰引进的抗TYLCVD番茄品种奇诺亚(F1)与粉红株系材料T9178杂交分离后代中,经连续8代单株选择而成。该品种2011年通过浙江省非主要农作物认定委员会认定。通过对浙粉702的农艺学、产量、品质和抗病等性状鉴定,结果表明:浙粉702品质优良,早熟,丰产,高抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病和枯萎病,抗叶霉病和番茄花叶病毒病,适合我国喜食粉果地区种植,平均产量可达73.83 t/hm2。
High resistance to yellow leaf curl virus disease tomato new varieties of Zhejiang powder 702 is a self-bred material T7969F2-19-1-1-3 as the female parent, T4078F2-3-3-3 as the male parent, combined with molecular marker-assisted technology Breeding of a generation of pink large fruit tomato varieties. The female parent T7969F2-19-1-1-3 was selected from 9 generations of single-plant crosses among the resistant storage tomato cultivar NEMOTAMMI (F1) introduced from Israel and the anti-leaf mold pink strain T9179. The male parent T4078F2-3-3-3 was selected from 8 generations of single plants in the progeny of TYLCVD tomato variety Chinoa (F1) and pink line T9178 introduced from Netherlands. The breed was certified by Zhejiang Province Non-Major Crop Identification Committee in 2011. Through the identification of the characters of agronomic, yield, quality and disease resistance of Zhefen 702, the results showed that Zhefen 702 had good quality, early maturity, high yield, high resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease and blight, Tomato mosaic virus disease, suitable for growing in China like eating fruit, the average yield of up to 73.83 t / hm2.