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In people’s eyes, Intel always shows itselfas a ’chip giant’, but now faced with toughercompetition from AMD and the increasingcommoditization of its core microprocessors,Intel wants to up the ante. By creating new’platforms’, Intel hopes to deliver morefeatures than its competitors and to brandthem in such a way as to create Intel-specificdemand for new PCs and upgrades. Intel has become the world’s largestsemiconductor company based both on itsinnovations and its prodigious street-fightingskills. However, this dark side of Intel doesn’tchange the respect people have for Intel’stremendous technological and businesscontributions. Intel is a great company withwhat is generally an above-averagecorporate culture. We hope that Intel will come away from this new legalbattle a wiser company, much as Microsoft has shown itselfto be of late. Thetime for the sort of behavior that got thesetwo giants into trouble, if there ever was one, is long past.It’s time for Intel to join Microsoft in the circle of graciouswinners. In people’s eyes, Intel always shows itselfas a ’chip giant’, but now faced with toughercompetition from AMD and the increasingcommoditization of its core microprocessors, Intel wants to up the ante. By creating new’platforms’, Intel hopes to deliver morefeatures than its Intel and to brand them in such a way as to create Intel-specific demand for new PCs and upgrades. Intel has become the world’s largestsemiconductor company based both on itsinnovations and its prodigious street-fightingskills. However, this dark side of Intel doesn’tchange the respect We have that Intel will come away from this new legal battle, For the sort of behavior that got thesetwo giants into trouble, if there ever was one, is long past.It’s time for Intel to join Microsoft in the c Ircle of graciouswinners.
成为北京2008年奥运会志愿者,是很多中学生朋友的梦想。招募工作一启动,学校就组织我和同学们报了名,我幸运地成为了一名奥运会城市志愿者。 Being a Beijing 2008 Olympic
本文首先对企业核心能力的涵义进行了解释 ,然后在分析我国企业核心能力现状的基础上 ,就如何培育我国企业核心能力提出了具体措施。 This paper first explains the meanin
北京昌平吉特医用设备厂研制的 DQJ—1型多功能气动洁牙手机在北京医科大学口腔医院等单位的9名口腔医学专家和机械专家组成的鉴定委员会的主持下,于90年8月29日通过了技术