你见过十几辆平板车首尾相连、用一辆农用小四轮拖拉机充作火车头在公路上浩浩荡荡行进的情景吗?作者在安徽省105国道毫州段820公里处拍摄到了这样的一组镜头(见图片)。 真是世界之大,无奇不有,稍稍有点安全常识的人都会意识到这种做法该是多么危险。无法想像下坡时这列“火车”如何制动及“火车”拐弯时神龙见首不见尾的壮观;也无法想像万一车厢脱钩,满载的“车厢”
Have you seen more than a dozen flatbed vehicles connected end to end, with a small four-wheeled tractor for agriculture as the locomotive mighty road on the road? Author in Anhui Province 105 State Road 820 millimeters at the state captured such a group Lens (see picture). Really big in the world, with all sorts of surprises, a little bit of security common sense people will realize how dangerous this approach is. Can not imagine when the train downhill “brake” and “train” when the dragon saw the first to be seen no end of the spectacular; can not imagine if the car decoupling, full of “car”