在建立简单、有效、准确的叶圆片检测黄瓜白粉病抗性的基础上 ,系统地比较了 7种化学诱导物及其组合对黄瓜白粉病抗性的诱导作用。结果表明 ,草酸、水杨酸、苦参碱、苯基硫脲、复合磷均能显著诱导黄瓜对白粉病的抗性。其诱导效果为草酸 >水杨酸 >苦参碱 >苯基硫脲 >复合磷 ,氯化钾和硫酸锰的诱导效果不明显。当苯基硫脲、苦参碱与硫酸锰、氯化钾和复合磷分别组合时与单一诱导物相比 ,诱导效果明显增强 ;而当水杨酸、草酸与之组合时诱导效果明显减弱 ,这可能与离子间相互作用有关。
Based on the simple, effective and accurate detection of leaf round cucumber powdery mildew resistance, the inducement of seven chemical inductors and their combination on cucumber powdery mildew resistance was systematically compared. The results showed that oxalic acid, salicylic acid, matrine, phenylthiourea and complex phosphorus all significantly induced cucumber resistance to powdery mildew. The induction effect of oxalic acid> salicylic acid> matrine> phenylthiourea> complex phosphorus, potassium chloride and manganese sulfate was not obvious. When phenylthiourea, matrine and manganese sulfate, potassium chloride and composite phosphorus, respectively, when compared with a single inducer, the induction effect was significantly enhanced; and salicylic acid, oxalic acid combination with the induction effect was significantly weakened, This may be related to the interaction between ions.