
来源 :语数外学习(语文教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziling_net
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自从参加工作以来,笔者一直从事语文教学工作,在多年的教学中发现我们的语文老师只注重学生写作能力的培养,而忽视学生朗读能力的培养,以至于出现一些同学读书结结巴巴,出现唱读、回读、停顿把握不准的情况,更别说有感情地朗读了。一篇文质兼美的文章,被我们的同学读得平淡如水;一篇感情真挚热情洋溢的文章,被我们同学读得索然无味,究其原因是因为我们学生的语感太差。语感是人们对语言文字直觉地感知、领悟和把握的能力,是对语言文字的意义和情味的理解能力,是语言素质的直接反映。语感的强弱直接体现学生阅读文章和体会思想感情的能力,反映学生朗读的语文修养。语感敏锐者,在听、读时,能迅速捕捉到言外之意,在说写时,能以丰富的语言准确地传递信息,因此,对学生加强语感培养,不仅有助于提高学生阅读鉴赏能力,而且有助于提高学生的语言表达能力,那么,怎样在具体的教学工作中培养学生语感呢?本文笔者根据多年来的教学经验,谈谈自己一些肤浅的心得体会。 Since I joined the work, I have been engaged in teaching Chinese for many years and found that our language teachers only pay attention to the cultivation of students ’writing abilities while neglecting the cultivation of students’ reading ability so that some students stuttering and singing Read, read back, pause to grasp the situation, let alone read with emotion. An article written in both quality and beauty was read plainly by our classmates. An eager and passionate essay was read by our classmates because of the poor sense of language of our students. Language sense is the ability of people to intuitively perceive, comprehend and grasp the language. It is a comprehension of the meaning and taste of the language. It is a direct reflection of the language quality. The strength of language sense directly reflects the ability of students to read articles and feel thoughts and feelings, which reflects the language proficiency that students read aloud. Sensitive senses, when listening, reading, can quickly capture the meaning of meaning, in writing, can accurately convey the message in a rich language, therefore, to enhance students sense of language training, not only helps to improve students’ ability to read the appreciation, and Help to improve students ’language skills, how to cultivate students’ sense of language in specific teaching work? The author of this article based on years of teaching experience, to talk about some of their superficial experience.
在班婕妤的人生旅途中,无论是贵为皇妃,还是秋扇见捐,她都能以一个平常人的平常心去面对,始终保持一颗平淡之心,她的平淡透射出的尽是理性智慧的光芒。 In Benjamin’s jour