Application of neural network in the study of combustion rate of natural gas/diesel dual fuel engine

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morenedu
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In order to predict and improve the performance of natural gas/diesel dual fuel engine (DFE), a combustion rate model based on forward neural network was built to study the combustion process of the DFE. The effect of the operatin g parameters on combustion rate was also studied by means of this model. The stu dy showed that the predicted results were good agreement with the experimental d a ta. It was proved that the developed combustion rate model could be used to succ essfully predict and optimize the combustion process of dual fuel engine. In order to predict and improve the performance of natural gas / diesel dual fuel engine (DFE), a combustion rate model based on forward neural network was built to study the combustion process of the DFE. The effect of the operatin g parameters on combustion rate was also studied by means of this model. The stu dy showed that the predicted results were good agreement with the experimental da ta. It was proved that the developed combustion rate model could be used to succ essfully predict and optimize the combustion process of dual fuel. engine.
急性下壁心肌梗死 (AIMI)合并右室梗死 (RMI)和严重房室传导阻滞 (SAVB)临床较为常见 ,将三者进行综合分析的鲜见报道。本文通过对 137例AIMI的患者 ,按有或无SAVB及RMI进行分组分析 ,讨论其临床特
我收到了一封信,发信地址是西安美术学院,信里写着:“尊敬的老师,你好!还记得我吗?我是程维栋。我那时在班里的学习成绩并不太好,但我向你说一件旧事,你或许会记起我。数年前,在一节语文课上,我感觉背课文是件无聊的事,于是就偷偷拿了一张纸,用铅笔给语文老师‘画像’。语文老师是一位年轻漂亮的女老师。画完语文老师的‘素描’,我自鸣得意画得不错,并且还在画纸上写下‘美女老师杜’……”  我立即想起数年前程维栋
心房纤颤 (房颤 )为急性心肌梗死 (AMI)相对常见并发症[1,2 ] 。由于AMI并房颤可使心肌缺血加重、梗死面积扩大、短期和长期病死率增加[2 ,3 ] ,因而对此房颤的临床规律的了解和处