A Novel Handoff Algorithm for Hierarchical Cellular Networks

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In this paper, we propose a novel speed and service-sensitive handoff algorithm and analytical model for hierarchical cellular networks.First, we use the Gauss-Markov mobility model to predict the speeds of mobile stations, and divide mobile stations into three classes based on the predicted speeds: fast, medium-speed, and slow.Then, according to the mobility classification,network conditions, and service types, mobile stations will be handoff to the proper target networks prior to the deterioration of the currently operating channel. We further develop an analytical model to evaluate the performance of such a hierarchical system with different speed classes and service types. Simulations and analytical results show that the proposed handoff algorithm can significantly improve the network performance in terms of the handoff failure probability, unnecessary handoff probability, and network throughput, comparing with the traditional algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel speed and service-sensitive handoff algorithm and analytical model for hierarchical cellular networks. First, we use the Gauss-Markov mobility model to predict the speeds of mobile stations, and divide mobile stations into three classes based on the predicted speeds: fast, medium-speed, and slow. Chen, according to the mobility classification, network conditions, and service types, mobile stations will be handoff to the proper target networks prior to the deterioration of the current operating channel. develop an analytical model to evaluate the performance of such a hierarchical system with different speed classes and service types. Simulations and analytical results show that the proposed handoff algorithm can significantly improve the network performance in terms of the handoff failure probability, unnecessary handoff probability, and network throughput, comparing with the traditional algorithms.
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