Progressive multifocal exophytic pontine glioblastoma: a case report with literature review

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyyyoooouuuu
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Multifocal pontine glioblastoma exhibiting an exophytic growth pattern in the cerebello-pontine angle(CPA) is rare.We present a case of a 5-year-old girl with consecutive neurological imaging and other clinical findings indicating progressive multifocal exophytic pontine glioblastoma.Three lesions were reported,of which two were initially presented,and one was developed 2 months later.One lesion demonstrated a progressing exophytic extension in the cistern of the left side of the CPA.The other two lesions were located and confined within the pons.Initial magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography-computed tomography indicated low-grade glioma or inflammatory disease.However,2 and 3 months later,subsequent magnetic resonance spectroscopy(MRS) displayed elevated choline and depressed N-acetyl aspartate peaks compared with the peaks on the initial MRS,indicating a high-grade glioma.Subtotal resection was performed for the CPA lesion.Histopathologic examination showed discrepant features of different parts of the CPA lesion.The patient received no further chemotherapy or radiotherapy and died 2 months after surgery.The multifocal and exophytic features of this case and the heterogeneous manifestations on neurological images were rare and confusing for both diagnosis and surgical decision-making.Our case report may contribute knowledge and helpful guidance for other medical doctors. Multifocal pontine glioblastoma exhibiting an exophytic growth pattern in the cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) is rare. We present a case of a 5-year-old girl with consecutive neurological imaging and other clinical findings indicate progressive multifocal exophytic pontine glioblastoma. reported, of which two were initially presented, and one was developed 2 months later. One lesion demonstrated a progressing exophytic extension in the cistern of the left side of the CPA.The other two lesions were located and confined within the pons.Initial magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography-computed tomography indicated low-grade glioma or inflammatory disease. After, 2 and 3 months later, subsequent magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) displayed elevated choline and depressed N-acetyl aspartate peaks compared with the peaks on the initial MRS , indicating a high-grade glioma. Subtotal resection was performed for the CPA lesion. Histopathologic examination showed disc repant features of different parts of the CPA lesion.The patient received no further chemotherapy or radiotherapy and died 2 months after surgery. The multifocal and exophytic features of this case and the heterogeneous manifestations on neurological images were rare and confusing for both diagnosis and surgical decision -making.Our case report may contribute knowledge and helpful guidance for other medical doctors.
摘要:校园文化反映出一所学校的校风校貌。任何学校的校园文化都需要用心营造,通过校园文化建设树立学校形象,传达学校精神,熏陶学生文明向上的品质。校园文化建设的美育元素与美术教学呈相互影响和相互助力的关系,本文就这种关系和二者实现最佳衔接效果的途径展开分析。  关键词:中职校园 美术教育 文化建设 相互助力  中图分类号:G633文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5349(2016)09-0125-0
[摘要]本文通过对大学生心理健康教育与思想政治教育结合的必要性和可行性进行分析,进一步阐述了心理健康教育与思想政治教育有机结合的措施。  [关键词]结合 思想政治教育 心理健康教育     据调查研究表明,我国大学生中有20%左右的人存在不同程度的心理障碍,而能主动到心理咨询门诊咨询的学生却只有l%~2%,与有20%左右的学生需要进行心理健康教育帮助相比较,相差甚远,因此说,心理健康教育尚未发挥其
摘 要:开展集体创作教学活动十分有利于提高美术教学的课堂质量。学生学习美术的积极性和主动性得到了增强,学生的学习资源得到了充分的共享。  关键词:美术;集体创作;课堂  下面是我开展集体创作教学的一些做法与体会,希望能给有兴趣进行这样教学活动的老师带来一些参考吧!  一、 首先要建立互动的师生关系  苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基所指出的:“上课,这是教师和儿童的共同劳动,这种劳动的成功,首先是由师生