Based on the study of the geochemical characteristics of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan, the natural gas is dominated by hydrocarbon gas with a methane content of 80% -91%. The natural gas is characterized by a relatively low level of carbon and hydrogen isotopes, δ13C1 ranged from -35 ‰ to -32 ‰, δ13C2H6 ranged from -25 ‰ to -23 ‰, δDCH4 ranged from -164 ‰ to -154 ‰ and δDC2H6 ranged from -137 ‰ to -125 ‰. Natural gas drying coefficients (C1 / C1-5) ranged from 0.89 to 0.98, generally greater than 0.95 for dry gas. As the natural gas in Xujiahe Formation does not contain any H2S, the carbon isotope value of methane in natural gas is positively correlated with the drying coefficient, indicating that the natural gas in Xujiahe Formation is a typical coal-formed gas.