Objectives To understand the progress of the implementation of the national immunization program in Bazhou, Xinjiang to find out and solve the problems in time, supervise the implementation of relevant policies and further promote the expansion of the national immunization program. Methods In 2009, we conducted a statistical analysis on a unified and expanded national immunization program supervision checklist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 8 counties and one city in Bazhou. As a result, the statewide shortage of cold-chain equipment was particularly serious, so a great deal of cold-chain equipment was urgently needed to be updated. Currently, there are no conditions for the implementation of the information system for vaccination of children in Bazhou. Insufficient investment in immunization planning is available at all levels of government. , Card matching rate of 100%, five vaccination rate of 100%. The delay in the implementation of the new vaccination program to expand the national immunization program. Conclusions Governments at all levels should step up their investment in expanding the national immunization program; increase technical supervision, training and inspection; promptly implement vaccination campaigns to expand new vaccine-eligible children of the national immunization program; intensify publicity efforts to expand and implement national immunization programs ; Further improve the admission, admission vaccination certificate inspection work.