2015年1月28日,ISPO BEIJING–2015第十一届亚洲运动用品与时尚展在北京国家会议中心盛大开幕。富图宝将轻摄影与户外摄影结合,首次携户外运动摄影配件产品参展,本次展会富图宝展台搭建以丛林为主题、体验为核心,为国内户外运动爱好者布置了一个崭新有趣的互动体验空间。据悉,今年的ISPO BEIJING2015将汇聚超过600个户外、滑雪、极限、运动时尚品
ISPO BEIJING-2015 The 11th Asia Sporting Goods and Fashion Show was grandly opened at the Beijing National Convention Center on January 28, 2015. Futura Photo combines outdoor and photographic photography with outdoor photography accessories for the first time exhibiting. The Expo Fujitsu booth to build a jungle-themed, experience as the core, for the domestic outdoor enthusiast layout of a new and interesting interaction Experience space. It is reported that this year’s ISPO BEIJING2015 will bring together more than 600 outdoor, skiing, extreme, sports fashion